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David Oswald is a professor of interaction design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. He studied design at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences and subsequently worked there as a research and teaching assistant with Gui Bonsiepe. At frog design, he headed the user interface design group in Düsseldorf and Berlin. His academic research is focused on interaction design, auditory interfaces, semiotics of interfaces, and design history.


Christiane Wachsmann is an author, curator and research associate at the HfG Ulm Archive. She studied architecture and design at Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design and completed an editorial traineeship at the Stuttgarter Nachrichten newspaper. She teaches literary and applied writing; her research focus is in the field of design history.


Petra Kellner is a professor of product design at the HfG Offenbach. Before she studied design at the SHFBK Braunschweig and the HfG Offenbach, she completed an internship at Gugelot Design in Ulm. On a DAAD scholarship, she taught in Brazil, among others at the ESDI in Rio de Janeiro. From 1982, she coordinated the "HfG Synopsis" project initiated by Nick Roericht, and then worked with him at his Ulm design office for many years. 1983 to 1985 teaching and development work at the Institute for Product Development and Design in Florianópolis, Brazil, founded by Gui Bonsiepe. 2002 collaboration on the online project "Women at the HfG Ulm" initiated by Gerda Müller-Krauspe.


[As at 2014]